Sanger IO
A Delphi bioinformatics library that allows you to read/write DNA chromatogram files.
Supported formats: FASTA, SCF, ABI/AB1/AB!
Partially supported formats: GenBank, MultiFASTA
The library contains the following classes and functions:
- CubeBase
- Cube
- CubeBaseQV
- CubeBaseSNP
- CubeImporter
- CubeStream
- ParseGenBankMulti
- ParseGenBankR
- ParseGenBankW
- ReadAbi
- ReadBasicSample
- ReadFasta
- ReadFastaM
- ScfBase
- ScfRead
- ScfWrite
Price for the source code: free
Sanger DNA Sequence Viewers
A Delphi bioinformatics library that allows you to display DNA chromatogram files and the assembled contig.
- ChromaSupport
- ChromaViewer
- ContigGrid
- ContigMap
- ContigMapArrow
- ImporterUnivRec.pas
Price for the source code: $500
Sanger DNA Sequence Assembler
A Delphi bioinformatics library that allows assemble DNA sequences.
- Alignment
- AlignmentLocal
- AlignmentsGlobal
- AlignmentSubStr
- AsmConsensor
- AsmJobAbstract
- AsmJobEx
- DNA Buckets
- ObjectPrecontig
- VectorProcessing
Tested on Delphi XE7, Delphi Tokyo and Delphi Sydney. Should work also with other versions.
Price for the source code: $1000
The base caller that is sold separately ($5000).