I needed to open PDF files in Delphi. There seems to be a lot of libraries out there, but when my restrictions (read PDF, native Delphi code, cross-platform, acceptable price) started to kick in I realized that there are not so many options. I created therefore this Delphi PDF library comparison table to help me decide:

I will look in detail at the top ones and I will return with a conclusion.
Please let me know if you have more insights on any of the listed libraries, or if you know other, more competitive libraries. I will update the table.
Also, maybe you have any info for the libraries that don’t list the price. But since they don’t list the price, they are probably not very competitive anyway…
Update 11.2024
I trialed the PDFium library from WinSoft.sk but it seems unstable. It crashed immediately as I started the demo so I downloaded and used with success the PDFium from A. Hausladen.