How to definitively turn off the Foxit updater

The updater in Foxit is really annoying. And even if you turn it off via the GUI the updater application will still run in background. This will delay the main Foxit window start up.

So, here is the trick: the the updater to think that it already checked for updates:
Open the registry (RegEdit) to:

\RegistryHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareFoxit SoftwareFoxit Reader 7.0pluginsUpdaterLastDay

Edit the LastDay key and put a higher number. In my case, instead of 0518357,1447384350 I put 0618357,1457384350.

If you are lazy, here is the REG file script (copy/paste the text below in a text file and change its extension to .REG then run the file):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareFoxit SoftwareFoxit Reader 7.0pluginsUpdater]

Now Foxit will start almost instantaneously.

Firefox, suck it!

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