When trying to load an RTF file using RichEdit.Lines.LoadFromFile(FileName)
and RichEdit.ReadOnly = True
the RichEdit removes all images from the RTF file showing an empty placeholder.
This is an Embarcadero’s bug. The solution is to call these methods in this specific order with these specific parameters:
procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
// Must be False
RichEditEmba.ReadOnly:= FALSE;
// This is irrelevant
RichEditEmba.Transparent:= FALSE;
// Must be False otherwise a 500 pages book does not load at all (program freezes)
RichEditEmba.PlainText:= FALSE;
//The RTF file must be generated by Word !
RichEditEmba.Lines.LoadFromFile('Delphi in all its glory.rtf');
// Now you can make it true (if you want)
RichEditEmba.ReadOnly:= TRUE;
Note that TRichEdit has full support for images from Delphi 11. If you don’t have Delphi 11, an alternative solution I have found is to extract the TJvCustomRichEdit (JvRichEdit.pas) component from Jedi package. I did it. It was a bit of work, but this component functions as it was supposed to: https://github.com/GabrielOnDelphi/RichEdit_Images/
I have managed to insert also tables in the RichEdit.
Also check this extension I wrote for the TRichEdit component, which resizes itself as we add lines to it (instead of showing the vert scrollbars): https://github.com/GabrielOnDelphi/Delphi-LightSaber/blob/main/cvRichEditResize.pas