How we spend Moor dividend
During the last 28 years, the clock speed increased 586 times. The Intel Pentium processor, introduced in 1995, achieved a SPECint95 benchmark score of 2.9, while the Intel Core 2 Duo achieved a SPECint2000 benchmark score of 3108.0, a 375 times increase in performance in 11 years.
One indication is that array bounds and null pointer checks impose a time overhead of approximately 4.5% in the Singularity OS.
high-level programming languages that provide more safety, easy, and higher level of abstraction. Managed languages (such as VB/C# and Java) further increased the level of programming by introducing garbage collection, richer class libraries (such as .NET and the Java Class Library), just-in-time compilation, and runtime reflection. All these features provide powerful abstractions for developing software but also consume memory and processor resources in nonobvious ways.
The second is that high-level languages hide details of a machine beneath a more abstract programming model. This leaves developers less aware of performance considerations and less able to understand and correct problems.