Google Drive still unreliable (How to fix ‘Primary key must be unique’ error)

I hate Google Drive. It is haunted by too many bugs.  Recently my GDrive application started showing a “primary key must be unique” error message, asking me to disconnect the drive and start all over again. I did that. Took few hours to resynchronize it all. But the next day I got the same error

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Webshots is dead. Smile!

So Webshots closed their little wallpaper changer software and replaced it with Smile. The Webshots users are very disillusioned because they were left with thousands of images/wallpapers encoded in WB1 format. But don’t worry! I have found a nice (actually a much much much nicer) replacement. It is called BioniX Wallpaper Changer. BioniX is the

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Overtaking applications

There is a nice registry hack that allows you to execute a specific application when you try to execute actually a different application. For example if you try to run notepad.exe, the calc.exe will be launched instead. Details: The key you create in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Options must have the name of the application

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Manage account order in Thunderbird

This is doable. In your user profile folder find the prefs.js file. In this file change the order of your accounts like this: user_pref(“”, “account4,account1,account3,account2”); You can also use a Firefox extension called ‘Folderpane Tools’. Once you successfully installed the extension you will be able to define the new sorting orde. To configure Folderpane Tools:

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