More delphi weirdness – No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page

Today I tried to open an old project. While loading the main DFM form I got a “No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page” error. After wasting some time I figured out what caused it: the form had a custom control that had a property like this: HeaderCellSpacing =

More delphi weirdness – No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page Read More »

How to set paths (library, debug, BPL, DCP, search) in Delphi XE7 (for multiplatform use)

So, Delphi’s help doesn’t tell us much about how to set up paths for DPK packages. It is ok. We got all used with Delphi’s sloppy manual. So, I will tell you how I do it so they work both on 32 and 64 Win platforms: My packages I have these major packages/folders: Graphics32 Drag

How to set paths (library, debug, BPL, DCP, search) in Delphi XE7 (for multiplatform use) Read More »

Fix for Exception EAccessViolation in module rtl210.bpl at 00016A9C [SOLVED]

I keep getting this error at Delphi shut down: Application Error – Exception EAccessViolation in module rtl210.bpl at 00016A9C. Access violation at address 50066A9C in module ‘rtl210.bpl’. Read of address 06152AF8. Solution 1: The problem is fixed by restoring this registry key to its original state: [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareEmbarcaderoBDS15.0Known IDE Packages] Here is the pristine value for

Fix for Exception EAccessViolation in module rtl210.bpl at 00016A9C [SOLVED] Read More »

How difficult is to write a solid software protection (licensing) scheme?

Extracting unique identification numbers from hardware and using them for software protection scheme I had customers that are purchasing a single software license but using it on multiple computers so I wanted to prevent them from doing so. The solution I have found was to generate a license key that is unique for each computer.

How difficult is to write a solid software protection (licensing) scheme? Read More »

Why handling a possible ISP/server time-out is critical?

 Imagine that a possible client is downloading the application for the first time. During start up the application checks the internet to updates, news, resource files, etc. If the server fails to respond the application will hang. After 20 seconds (or way less) the customer will hit the Control+Alt+Del buttons, kill the application, uninstall it

Why handling a possible ISP/server time-out is critical? Read More »

How to win a “who gets more traffic” contest (How to generate LOT of fake traffic on a web site)

Web Traffic Generator is a nice dirty tool that helps you to generate literary thousands of page views. Lets say you participate in a contest “who’s web page gets more visitors”. All you have to do is to download this little devilish software, enter the URL of the page you want to send traffic to

How to win a “who gets more traffic” contest (How to generate LOT of fake traffic on a web site) Read More »

Intel CPU list of bugs

Intel has a long history related to microprocessor bugs. It started long time ago with the infamous Pentium FDiv bug. Intel quickly released Pentium MMX and said that this is the biggest invention in computing ever but the truth was that increase of performance brought by MMX o plain zero! Why? Because software was not

Intel CPU list of bugs Read More »

How to make VirtualDub open/edit mkv, mp4, flv, mov and other file formats?

In order to open MP4 (and other video files) in VirtualDub you need a plugin called ‘Virtualdub FFMpeg Input Plugin‘.  Installation: Download the plug in and unzip it in VirtualDub’s folder. The ZIP contains two folder one for Windows 32 bit and one for Windows 64 bits. You can delete the one that you don’t

How to make VirtualDub open/edit mkv, mp4, flv, mov and other file formats? Read More »


IF YOU ARE AN INMOTION HOSTING CUSTOMER READ THIS!!! InMotion Hosting offer such horrible services. In time their reputation web down so they had to create a puppet company called…. Web Hosting Hub. Here is some proof: Click the Support button it will take you to a page that has InMotion Hosting logo: Here


Firefox (23) going downhill

I just discovered that Firefox removed the ‘Disable or replace context menus’ checkbox from its OPTIONS panel. They say its and improvement. Mozilla! What the fuck? That was our first defense line against some intrusive web sites. To get access to this feature type ‘about:config‘ in your address bar then search for this string: dom.event.contextmenu.enabled

Firefox (23) going downhill Read More »

How to solve the “Cannot load a form that has itself as ancestor” error in Delphi

How to solve the “Cannot load a form that has itself as ancestor” error in Delphi This is how a new/empty project should look like: uses Forms, Unit1 in ‘Unit1.pas’ {Form1}; And this how your project probably looks like: uses Forms, Unit1 in ‘Unit1.pas’ {Form}; I spent on hour to find the well hidden culprit.

How to solve the “Cannot load a form that has itself as ancestor” error in Delphi Read More »

Where do I see the results of a disk scan in windows 7?

On Windows XP/Windows 7 Disk Scan (chkdsk) shows no report upon compleation. To see the results of a disk scan in windows you need to type this command in PowerShell: get-winevent -FilterHashTable @{logname=”Application”; id=”1001″}| ?{$_.providername -match “wininit”} | fl timecreated, message | out-file c:stuffCheckdiskResults.txt Please note the last path in the command:  c:stuffCheckdiskResults.txt You should

Where do I see the results of a disk scan in windows 7? Read More »

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